By-Laws and Rules

Acting on behalf of owners corporations and individual lot owners, Kerin Benson Lawyers will provide you with considered by-laws that meet your individual needs. We do not have a one size fits all by-law template and work with you to ensure that you receive a by-law tailored to your unique circumstances.

In addition to preparing and providing advice on by-laws, Kerin Benson Lawyers also provide a by-law auditing service where we review your scheme’s current by-laws, advise on their validity and consult with the owners to update the by-laws to better reflect your scheme’s current needs.

We are also experienced in advising and acting in respect of changes to, or enforcing, strata management statements and community management statements.

Please contact Allison Benson in relation to By-Laws and Rules.


02 8706 7060

02 8706 7061

Suite 9.01
46 Market St
Sydney NSW 2000


02 4032 7990

02 8706 7061

591 Glebe Rd
Adamstown NSW 2289


02 6140 3270

02 8706 7061

Level 5, 15 Moore Street
Canberra City ACT 2600