Case Note: Brudenall v The Owners Corporation of Units Plan No 202 (Unit Titles) [2018] ACAT 113

This case followed Brudenall & Ors v Owners Corporation Units Plan No. 202 (Unit Titles) [2016] ACAT 101. By late 2016 the Owners Corporation was intent on undertaking roof repairs on all the class A and class B properties. At the general meeting of 15 November...

Case Note: Rampala v The Owners – Units Plan 1330 (Unit Titles) [2018] ACAT 35

The applicant was one of the two registered owners of unit 1 in a unit titled complex owned by the respondent corporation. The applicant sought a merits review under section 129(1)(f) of the UTMA of two resolutions (motions 2 and 7) passed at its 2017 AGM. Motion 7...

The Owners – Units Plan No 202 v Brudenall & Ors (Unit Titles) [2015] ACAT 64

Units Plan No 202 contained both class A units and class B units. This case centred around a long-standing and important legislated distinction in the maintenance obligations of the owners of these units. Namely, that the owners of class A units are not responsible...

The Owners – Units Plan No 107 v Perkins (Unit Titles) [2016] ACAT 139

The owners corporation sought orders requiring Mr Perkins, the owner of unit 35, to refurbish his bathroom to prevent water egress into unit 34 (the unit below unit 35). ACAT Senior Member Robinson distinguished the facts of this case from The Owners – Units Plan No...