by Chris | Jul 11, 2022 | ACT, By-Laws, Case Review, News & Publications, Rules, Strata Disputes, Strata Disputes, Uncategorised, Uncategorized
The respondents owned and occupied a ground floor unit and in 2006, were given written permission to plant two trees in their courtyard. In fact, three trees were planted. These trees flourished and soon began to interfere with the amenity of the unit directly above...
by Chris | Mar 7, 2022 | ACT, Case Review, News & Publications, Recent News, Rules, Strata Disputes, Strata Disputes
The applicant sought an order from ACAT that the owners corporation issue a rule infringement notice for various alleged breaches of House Rules and rules of the owners corporation. In response, ACAT held that there is no general power in section 129 of the UTMA to...
by Chris | Mar 7, 2022 | ACT, Case Review, News & Publications, Recent News, Rules, Strata Disputes, Strata Disputes
The owners corporation appealed a number of aspects of the original decision. The appeal was dealt with as a review under section 82(b) of the ACAT Act and the owners corporation needed to establish an error of fact or law in the original decision in order to succeed....
by Chris | Mar 7, 2022 | ACT, Case Review, News & Publications, Recent News, Rules, Strata Disputes
The applicant is the Owners Units Plan No. 14 and the respondent is Mr Wright from Unit 2. Since 2009 the owners had been trying to stop Mr Wright from using the common car park to store cars and car parts in ways which annoyed and inconvenienced other owners. The...
by Allison | Aug 10, 2014 | ACT, Legal Alert, Rules
The Owners Corporation is responsible for managing the units plan and the enforcement of its rules. The Unit Title (Management) Act 2011 (ACT) (the Act). What Rules Apply to My Units Plan? The default rules for a units plan are set out in schedule 4 of the Act however...