The commencement of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2015 (the new Act) on 30 November 2016 means that schemes are now required to keep a consolidated list of the by-laws in force for their scheme and register the consolidated list with any new change of by-law. As all strata schemes in NSW are governed by by-laws which provide for the management, administration, control use and enjoyment of the lots of common property, it is important that a consolidated set of by-laws not only incorporates all the changes in force for the scheme, but that the correct by-laws are identified in the first instance. This article will outline the importance of identifying which by-laws apply to your scheme, as well as examine what the obligation to keep and register consolidated by-laws means for owners and owners corporations.

Since the Conveyancing (Strata Titles) Act 1961, strata legislation has provided sets of model by-laws to apply to, or be adopted by, strata schemes. Changes to legislation over time has meant that some schemes, particularly those registered before the commencement of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (ie before 1 July 1997), have seen statutory changes to their model by-laws.

The new Act has again changed the model by-laws (see our article ‘Which By-Laws Apply to Your Scheme’). What all this means is that for many schemes, changes in legislation, bringing in new model by-laws, and changes to by-laws have left those schemes with multiple by-laws in similar terms, odd numbers, and duplication were care has not been taken to consult by-laws already registered on title prior to making changes.

Prior to the commencement of the new Act, changes to the by-laws were made (once passed by the owners corporation as a special resolution) by submitting the appropriate form to Land and Property Information (LPI) who then recorded each change of by-law on the title under a unique dealing number. This provided an accurate, albeit it, lengthy record of the changes to by-laws. The new Act requires the secretary of the owners corporation to keep a consolidated set of by-laws. The new approved LPI form to register a change of by-law requires that not only the change of by-law to be set out in full, but that a consolidated set of the by-laws for that scheme be set out in full incorporating the new change. The LPI has also made clear that old change of by-law notifications will be removed from the common property title and will be replaced by the dealing which notifies the most recent change of by-law along with the consolidated set of by-laws.

The LPI has indicated that the purpose of the consolidations is to make it easier to access the by-laws in force for a scheme. Indeed, a lot owner, future lot owners, and owners corporations will no doubt welcome the change in that it becomes much easier to determine which by-laws are in force rather than trawling through numerous dealings and to find out whether a by-law has been repealed, or replaced. However, owners corporations in particular should be aware that the by-laws in force for a scheme are those notified on the title, and care should be taken to always ensure that the most recent set of consolidated by-laws are annexed to change of by-law forms since the old unique change of by-law notifications will be deleted. This is most important during the first by-law consolidation since it will be the last time the unique dealings will be easily searchable.

A by-law consolidation by Kerin Benson Lawyers takes into account the year the scheme was registered, an examination of the changes made to the by-laws, and consideration as to which by-laws apply to the scheme. It should be also noted that schemes are required to undertake a review of their by-laws by 30 November 2017. A review (aka audit) is an additional step which examines all the by-laws and considers their validity and enforceability. Please contact us for more information on consolidations and/or reviews.

If you require any assistance with a by-law consolidation or audit/review, or require a quote, please contact Kerin Benson Lawyers on (02) 8706 7060 or email