Project Remediate is a three-year program introduced by the NSW Government to assist in rectifying combustible cladding on Class 2 residential apartment buildings in NSW. The NSW Cladding Taskforce was established to identify buildings with combustible cladding.

Project Remediate will assist eligible building owners to obtain interest free loans to rectify combustible cladding on their residential apartment building. The interest for these loans will be paid by the NSW Government. Final details on the program design and loan scheme is expected to be announced in December 2020.

Eligibility and Applications

If your owners corporation is eligible, they will be contacted and invited to participate in Project Remediate.

To apply for a Project Remediate loan, your building must:

  • be a residential apartment building (Class 2) in NSW. These include multi-use buildings, for example part commercial/part residential.
  • have been confirmed by the Taskforce and consent authority (local council or Department of Planning, Industry and Environment) to have a high-risk combustible cladding façade that requires remediation.

Further information will be made available in early 2021 with applications expected to open in March 2021. Until then, you can obtain further information and fill in an online form to receive updates at

Project assurance service

In a related initiative, a project assurance service will be established and coordinated through the Office of the NSW Building Commissioner to work with owners corporations to project manage rectification work. The purpose of this service is to ensure that rectification is done to a high standard and will include assuring and controlling risks, costs and the quality of cladding rectification. A managing contractor will be appointed to manage and oversee each rectification project. This service will be at no cost to owners corporations.